Brand Development Strategy

Get Clear About the Results You Want, What Is Holding You Back and the Best Approach to Achieve Success

Finally put an end to the struggle where you are:

  • Being consistently undervalued
  • Being passed over for promotion
  • Feeling like no one is interested in what you have to say
  • Feeling unsure of yourself
  • Feeling like you don’t have what it takes to be a leader
  • Feeling like you’re not respected

By choosing to build your personal brand you will stop thinking, “I don’t understand why this is not working” and start enjoying the promotion of your brand. Let go of the “I don’t know what they want from me” worries and focus instead on developing and implementing your strategy for promoting your brand online and offline.

When you choose Brand Development Strategy you will work with an a coach to help you:

  • Clarify Your Brand Message
  • Define Your Objective
  • Identify Your Ideal Audience
  • Review Your CV and LinkedIn Profile
  • Develop Your Content Strategy


Here is what some of our clients had to say:

I’ve waited a long time to be able to attend this type of workshop where clarity and focus can be brought to the piece of information and self-help strategies out there.  – Reyna Farnum, Accountant


I will continue to recommend Marjorie as a coach as she has helped me to become a better me, by helping me see things in my life that I did not even know existed, where I was able to improve on and develop them where necessary.  – Melissa Gittens, busy wife and mother.


Which just means that you have one question left to ask yourself.  Am I ready to achieve my goals and dreams?

Check out our programme and let’s get started.

Six Keys to Build a High Performing Team

I was doing research for another article when I came across this phrase in one of the comments being made by a contributing author.  He used the term motivational energy and suggested that for him to complete one of the tasks in his morning routine took no motivational energy because it was right there, he did not have to go out of his way to do it.  He referred to the prospect of going to a gym as simply requiring too much motivational energy and too much time.

Like this writer, I have been able to make changes to my morning routine because I found ways to make doing the tasks easier and therefore to ensure that they required no motivational energy.  I have been procrastinating about developing a daily exercise practice for years and in many different ways.  I used to go to a gym.  I practiced Yoga for a year.  I bought a weight bench and weights to train at home.  I even bought the Insanity workout videos.  I stuck with none of them.  I always found them to be too tiring and requiring too much effort to consistently pursue.

However, I eventually found something that worked for me because it seemed easy and did not require a lot of energy to implement or to consistently do.  What I have now become most committed to is something that I can do anywhere, with minimal effort and requiring little if any equipment.  I do bodyweight exercises following the Canadian Navy work-out routine.  The reason it was so easy to do for me was that it only ever requires me to do ten minutes per day and interestingly you see changes in your muscle tone, strength and posture.

This led me to wonder whether that was true for most of us and for most of the things that we encounter on a daily basis.  Are we all just doing the things that require the least amount of motivational energy for us to get going?  It would appear that we are sometimes prepared to take action and do things differently but mostly, that is so only when it is easy for us to do so.  When the energy it takes to motivate ourselves is low, or at least the energy required is not more than we are willing to expend, then nothing is too much of a challenge and we are willing to attempt it.

Therefore when we are trying to make change in our personal or professional lives, we should consider that the real problem with us not wanting to change is not that we do not want to do things differently.  Instead, it is tied up in the fact that the level of motivational energy we are willing to expend to make it happen is lower that the energy required to make the change.  So inertia wins and we do nothing.

Could this awareness be the secret to getting things done?  Could this also be a measure which we can use from the outset to let ourselves recognize whether or not we will not commit to doing something?  I have to confess that this phrase immediately appealed to me simply because it expressed a concept that seemed so logical that I thought it must be true.

I suppose as we consider mankind and our reaction to so many things, this makes sense.  The human brain is a very busy organ.  It is always working.  Consequently it is always on the look-out for more efficient ways to get things done.  That’s why we have habits and routines. That’s why we judge the book by its cover and make leaps of logic.  That’s why we have flight or fight responses and why we inherently practice self-preservation.  The brain likes to do that which does not take too much mental energy so that it can continue with the important task of keeping us alive.

How often have you found yourself in situations where you feel challenged by something but you are prepared to do what it takes to get it done?  Alternatively, have you also had times where things just did not appeal to you or get you excited and so you did not wish to put out the effort required whether it was a big or small effort that was needed?  This no doubt was your level of motivational energy.

Seven Statements of Motivation

Most people think of Mondays as difficult. I disagree. To me, these days are no harder than any other during the week. Therefore, I wanted to offer some statements that I find uplifting (depending on the circumstances). The following are seven statements from various motivational speakers, to help you get through the week.


  1. There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs

You just have to put in the work on a daily basis. There are no short cuts or quick trips to success.

  1. The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.

You can envision anything that you want for yourself. That’s the easy part. To get there you have to be willing to take action, sometimes massive action, to help the dream become reality.

  1. It’s not over, until I win.

You have to be willing to keep fighting. Successful people usually believe that they can keep trying and keep pushing to be better and better until they arrive at the destination they envisioned.

  1. The mind, once expanded by a concept, can never return to its original size.

The beauty of learning is that each new lesson helps us to grow and become better than we were. Once that starts happening we never return to square one, even if we face challenges.

  1. Never allow another person’s opinion of you to become your reality.

You have the power to decide who you are going to be. Do not believe that you have to accept the limits that other people may perceive for you. Often they are trying to protect you from disappointment but they are not always right. You can put in the work and become more than anyone else might imagine. It is only important that you believe that it is possible.

  1. Have courage and be kind.

It’s not always easy to be kind but it is a good way to be as you move through life. Be kind to others and to yourself. Also remember that it often takes courage to pursue your dreams or to dare to live your life on your own terms. Courage doesn’t mean that you are not afraid or worried about a bad outcome. It just means that you are willing to try and you are committed to staying on your course of action, no matter how slow you accomplishments may be in coming.

  1. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Never become someone who believes that they know all the answers. If you find yourself where you feel like you are the smartest one in the room, then you need to get into another room. It is the only way to keep growing; by challenging yourself to get better and better.


Motivation is a state of mind. Hopefully you will be able to get into the mindset that you need to have a successful and effective week.



Marjorie Wharton is a trainer, facilitator and coach who works with individuals and organizations to help them improve their performance. She is based at the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business in Barbados. For more of her writing visit

Figuring Out Your Career

Success Tips: Things to Note About Figuring Out Your Career


First thing. You don’t need to figure out your career. You only need to figure out your next step. Most successful people don’t end up where they started. Oprah started as a television reporter. Steve Harvey started out as a comedian and now he hosts, owns and produces television shows. Most people asking this question usually have found themselves at a point where they feel like they have gone as far as they can go on this path and they are ready to transition. The question always seems to come because they are searching and nothing feels right to them. However, burdening yourself with trying to see the whole picture for the rest of your life is too much and can lead to you feeling overwhelmed. Instead just focus on your next step and have faith that once you build skills and grow, the long game will take care of itself.


Second thing to note. If you are thinking it’s time for you to move on, then you are right. As soon as the idea comes into your mind, it’s a sign. Don’t push it down and ignore it. You may not know what it means or how to do it but acknowledge that it is real. Do not start judging the idea or yourself for having it.


Third thing. Start dreaming. I know. You’re thinking to yourself, what? Dreaming?! My answer is yes. Dreaming. If you don’t know where you want to go how will you ever figure out how to get there? So start thinking about what you would like to spend your day doing. Note down what comes into your mind. Don’t screen the ideas or you’ll block the flow. If you need to, start identifying images online or in magazines that help you to ‘see’ more clearly what you want. If you are sophisticated about this, you might even print them out and stick them onto a surface you like, decorate them with inspiring messages and review them every day. Ta-da! You have a vision board.


Fourth thing. What does it take to be where you want to be? Look at the examples that you know or can find, either around you or online. What skills? What knowledge? What relationships or connections do they have? What level of effort do they put out? What sacrifices have they made or are currently making? Don’t just look at the upside of being there. Think also about the drawbacks. Once you have as much of the whole picture as you can, then you decide.


Fifth thing. You decide. You have to decide how much you are willing to give up to get to where you want to be. Change is never easy but it is always possible. Once we decide we want something and we are not stopping until we get it, then the sacrifices we make along the way always seem to be worth it. Not easy; just worth it. There will always be sacrifices to achieve something. If you stay where you are, you will sacrifice a chance to grow and become more. If you move forward, you sacrifice your comfort zone, maybe your free time and your sleep also. You may be trying to acquire more wealth and while that can bring you greater access to many things, you will have to learn new skills, behaviors and attitudes. In turn you will sacrifice what you have now and how you live now. So for every level we go up, we have to sacrifice something to get there. So you must decide how much you are willing to give, in order to get what you want.


Sixth thing. Assess yourself. What do you have now that you can use to start on your journey? It’s never, ‘nothing’. You have something. Are you great with people? Great with numbers? Do you love a challenge and does it push you to work harder? Are you great with words? Are you incredible when it comes to analyzing things and digging down to the core issues? None of these answers are right or wrong. You just have to figure out what you are great at doing. Knowing this helps you figure out the launching pad for your next step. Ask yourself, how can you use what you have to move forward?


Seventh thing. What do you need to learn? If there is a big gap between where you are now and where you want to be, you are going to have to learn a lot. This doesn’t mean that you have to head back to school. It just means that you have to open your mind. You may learn from experiences you have, other people’s experiences written in books. Or you may learn from mentors or videos on YouTube or podcasts you download. The point is that the opportunities for you to build your knowledge base and your skills are everywhere. You only have to be honest with yourself about what you do not know, what you need to learn and then be open to grabbing the learning opportunities when they come along. Or maybe chasing them down, if they don’t come along.


Eighth thing. Work at it. Start where you are and start now. Start the learning. Start the doing. Start small. Identify one little thing you can do that will move you along the path. If your next step is to get promoted into management, managers need to be good with people and technically sound. Do you have your technical skills where they need to be? Are you working on building relationships with those around you? One day you could be leading those people around you? Do they know you well enough to trust you and support you when you get there? Do you know them well enough to be able to help them perform at a high level?


You have tons of opportunities to grow. You only need to decide what you want and outline a plan for getting there. You may not have all the answers, but you can still start on your journey to make your vision a reality. You can start small and you can start today. Before you know it, you’ll have some new habits and you will start to build momentum and that is where the magic starts to happen.


Just a few things I wanted to share.



Marjorie Wharton is a trainer, facilitator and coach who works with individuals and organizations to help them improve their performance. She is based at the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business in Barbados. For more of her writing visit

3 Communication Know-Hows

Three Tips for Communicating Effectively

In order for there to be any effective endeavor between people there must be an ability to communicate effectively. In other words, each person must be able to transmit their ideas to the other person and the one receiving them must be able to decode and translate the message into something that they can understand. That is the essence of communication and if you are going to be successful at it, there are three things that you should remember.

Know your Audience

You should get familiar with the receiver of your communication. What matters to them? How do they prefer to receive information? In writing, verbal, both? Do they like to have the details presented first and then the summary or is it the other way around with the big picture overview presented first? Are they the kind of person who likes to ask questions to clarify things or to challenge and test you? Knowing these things ahead of time helps you to be adequately prepared for the encounter with the other person. It allows you to decide how you will share your message and it also lets you be prepared to receive feedback, both verbal and non-verbal, from your audience.

Know why you are communicating

If you know what your intended outcome will be then you will be better able to design your communication to achieve what is required. Are you communicating just to pass on information? Is it being done to build a following who is emotionally engaged with the content? Or is it to persuade someone who is responsible for making a decision on an issue? Knowing this allows you to decide the structure of your communication, the amount of detail, the breadth of information to include, the level of urgency that you may need to convey and even the tone of voice you will need to use.

Know Yourself

To be effective as a presenter or any other kind of communicator you need to know yourself. You should be aware of how you use your voice and your body when you are communicating with others. You will also need to develop an understanding of what it takes for you to be most successful. Are you the kind of person who works best with notes and cue cards when presenting? Do you prefer to have only one on one meetings? Would you choose written over verbal communication or small group over large groups? Knowing these things, allow you to better understand your comfort zone. As a result, when you are asked to operate outside of what feels most comfortable to you and still be effective in your delivery it means that you will need to take deliberate action. It is also important to note that everyone gets nervous. Therefore, do not let that derail you. Prepare and practice. Use the tools that will help you to be effective. Relax and breathe.



Marjorie Wharton is a trainer, facilitator and coach who works with individuals and organizations to help them improve their performance. She is based at the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business in Barbados. For more of her writing visit

Myers Briggs Type Indicator – Know Yourself

Are you looking for an edge?

Do you want to understand yourself better? Do you want to understand what it takes for you to shine and achieve your goals? Are you trying to learn how to lead others so that they achieve high performance?

This course, Myers Briggs Type Indicator – Know Yourself, is for you. It has been designed to use a structured, systematic method to help you understand yourself, your preferences, your strengths and your weaknesses.

With that foundation you then build on the areas that help you to be empowered as a high performing leader. You will learn not only what it takes for you to achieve more but also what it takes for you to help others get there as well.

With this course, you will go from knowing nothing about individual behavioural preferences to understanding how to use your preference strengths to help you and your team members win at achieving your goals.

Leadership Development Coaching

Become a Leader Who Is Confident and Empowered to Achieve More Through Others

This is it! This is your chance to finally put an end to the struggle.

You can finally stop thinking:

  • I don’t have what it takes to be a leader
  • I don’t have time for anything
  • I can’t leave my staff alone because delegating to them never works
  • My team is so demotivated
  • I don’t have what it takes
  • No one knows me or what I can do
  • I could never speak up like that
  • I don’t have time for building professional relationships

All the problems you have that you think stop you from becoming more effective as a leader can be a thing of the past. Because right now, you can achieve your goals with one of our best programme offerings. This option was created specifically with you in mind.

What’s the option?

Sign up for the Leadership Development Coaching Programme and you will:

  • work one-on-one with a transformation coach
  • build your knowledge
  • change your mindset
  • improve your confidence
  • complete 8 coaching sessions
  • complete the Myers Briggs Type Indicator
  • get a Personal Impact report for leadership development strategies


Wouldn’t it be great if you could stop thinking, “I feel like I’m drowning” and start enjoying the path to building confidence in your leadership skills? To let go of the “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to do this” worries and focus instead on how to provide support and accountability for your team?

What would life be like if that was your new reality?

Guess what? It can be. That’s what we want to help you do. And we’re really good at it.

Here is what some of our clients had to say:

Marjorie gave me a fresh perspective on my achievements, professional future and how I could expand my contribution.  – Dr. Jo-Ann Trotman Waterman, Barbados, Internal Auditor


Marjorie and I have designed and delivered leadership development initiatives for participants across the Caribbean. She is always engaged and committed to helping her participants to realize their growth potential.  – James Clemens, Ottawa, Canada, Leadership Development Specialist and Project Consultant


Which just leaves us with one question: are you ready to do become the leader your future self needs you to be now?

It is time to shake off those concerns and start imagining what your tomorrow will feel like. Sign up now for your Leadership Development Coaching.

btp Get Empowered group – A community where we help each other breakthrough and keep growing.

Don’t Miss Your Chance!

Get Clear About What You Want to Do and Develop the Confidence to Make Your Dream a Reality

This is your chance to finally put an end to the struggle. No more…

  • Feeling like you do not have a clear vision for your future
  • Lacking confidence in your decision to pursue your dream
  • Doubting your ability to be a good leader
  • Wondering whether other people see you the way you want them to
  • Thinking that you do not know what you want to do
  • Feeling like you’re always procrastinating
  • Feeling stuck in your career

All these feelings and the problems that you face can become a thing of the past. Right now, you can get empowered and take the steps to achieve your goals.

Join the btp Get Empowered group.

With your membership you will get access to:

  • Strategies for building your personal brand
  • Ideas for improving your content creation strategy
  • Strategies to help you succeed as a leader in your career
  • Guidance on starting and growing your business
  • Recorded and live presentations
  • Experts and practitioners who share their knowledge and experience


Join the Btp Get Empowered Group Now!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could stop thinking, “I’m afraid I’m going to fail” and start enjoying achieving your goals? To let go of the “I’m not sure where to start” worries and focus instead on giving yourself the space to discover what you want to do?

What would life be like if that was your new reality?

Guess what? That’s what we want to help you do. And we’re really good at it.

Here is what some of our clients had to say:

I knew I needed guidance towards my career path. From our very first encounter Marjorie really made me think about what I wanted to do, structuring my goals in a way that I never thought of before.
– Stacy S, Antigua, Former Banker


Marjorie is adept at identifying what methods work best with each individual, and helping one to forge your own individualised path to success.
– Kristina Quinlan, Barbados, Accountant


Which leaves us with only one question: are you ready for a change?

It’s time to shake off your concerns. Stop holding yourself back and start imagining what tomorrow looks like.

Join the Btp Get Empowered Group Now!

4: Coping With This Pressure-Cooker World

Our guest on this episode is Adiasha Richards-Thornhill. She is a proud Trinidadian. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and the owner of Growth and Transitions Counseling located in Queens NY.

Her career spans a decade, and she is passionate about therapy that is deep, and aimed at healing the wounds beneath the surface. She works primarily with women to help them work through their trauma, heal from past wounds, and grow the skills needed to move out of surviving and into a life of full living.

She states “Everyone is talking about doing the work, finding inner peace, posting positive quotes, but What the Hell is that? How do you do the work?”

She is not just a therapist but also the Director of her private practice which has a team of licensed therapists that serve a wide demographic of people. She supervises interns, coaches aspiring clinicians, speaks at engagements and creates workshops.

Being from the Caribbean, she is also passionate about connecting with the community, reducing stigma and increasing the understanding and practice of mental wellness in the Caribbean community.

In this episode Adiasha discusses her motivation for choosing her field, some of the lessons she learnt along the way and her hope for how mental wellness issues are viewed especially in the Caribbean.

3: It Comes From Passion

Our guest in this episode is Donna Every. Donna is the author of three inspirational books “What Do You Have in Your House? Surviving in Times of Financial Crisis”, “The Promise Keeper” and “Arise and Shine” as well as an entrepreneurship book “The ABCs of Entrepreneurship – Tessa Takes the Challenge”. Her articles have been published in numerous online newsletters and business websites. She was featured on the cover of Personal Excellence magazine for her article “Beating the Economy” based on her first book.

While her background is in business and finance, she discovered a love for writing a few years ago and enjoys the challenge of creating page turning books combining business and romance and now history and romance.

She has written eight novels “The Merger Mogul”, “The High Road” , the page turning historical romance, “The Price of Freedom”, her sweet rock star romance, “What Now?”, “Free in the City”, the exciting sequel to “The Price of Freedom”, the third book in the Acreage Series “Free At Last”, “Vaucluse” her new venture into fictionalized history and now her fourth book in The Acreage Series “Return to The Acreage”.

Donna talks about her journey to becoming and author, the challenges that women in leadership sometimes face and her plans to for broadening what she is offering to the public.

Listen and share your feedback on our LinkedIn Page.