1: Meet The Author – Donna Every (A LinkedIn Local Barbados Online Event)

This is a recording of the LinkedIn Local Barbados Online Event featuring a discussion with Author Donna Every.

In this episode she discusses her journey from being a business professional and employee to where she is now, being a full-time author and entrepreneur. She emphasizes the attention that creative entrepreneurs should pay to the business side of their operations and the discipline that is needed to be a successful and productive author. She even discusses her role as a writing coach and trainer for budding authors hoping to perfect their skills.

2: Refuel and Re-Engage With Sonia (A LinkedIn Local Barbados Online Event)

This is the audio recording from Refuel and Re-Engage With Sonia, the LinkedIn Local Barbados Online Event from June 4, 2020.

It includes a discussion between Marjorie Wharton, Host for LinkedIn Local Barbados and Sonia Layne-Gartside, Coach, Master Trainer and Organizational Change Management Specialist. Their conversation centered around Sonia’s book Workplace Anxiety: How To Refuel and Re-Engage.

Emotional Well-Being

In the book, The Happiness Advantage, author Shawn Achor, tells us that “90% of our long term happiness is predicted not by the external world but by the way our brains process the world.” If we change our understanding of the link between happiness and success, we can change our formula for living a more fulfilled life.

What you focus on grows. When we shift our thinking away from the mindset that happiness is something that happens to a lucky few, and instead we see it as a choice that we can make, we will realize that we can take deliberate steps to increase our positive emotions. We can be happy in spite of our circumstances. Happiness is a choice and we have the right to choose it every day.

In fact, positive emotions of all kind, hope, kindness, gratitude, faith, help you to be more productive. If you can find a way to get your brain into a more positive way of thinking, you will find yourself becoming more productive and your work will be more enjoyable and rewarding.

To improve your level of emotional well-being, there are some specific steps that you can choose to take. These include:

  1. Make the decision to be happy.

The human brain is a powerful instrument. It is the one thing in our lives that really helps us to determine whether or not we will do what we say we will do. Therefore, we have the power to decide to be happy. We can choose to focus on the positive side of things. We can choose also to ignore those things that would decrease our sense of happiness. Therefore, building happiness starts with making the decision to be happy.

  1. Take action to manage your happiness

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky author of “The How of Happiness,” and “The Myths of Happiness,” and a psychology professor at the University of California, has shared some of the findings from her extensive studies on happiness. She has confirmed that we all have a ‘happiness set point’. She explains that this set point is partly encoded in our genes.

Our sense of happiness rises and falls depending on our experiences and our responses to them. So right away, we have some insight into what we can do to improve our levels of happiness. We always have control over our responses.

However, our level of happiness, no matter how high it rises or how far it drops, generally creeps back to its set point. This phenomenon is referred to in science as “hedonic adaptation”. No matter how excited we are when we first encounter something or have an amazing experience, we eventually adapt to it. As a result, our feelings about the experience or event eventually decreases. The same thing happens when our mood plummets. The effect diminishes with each successive experience of the phenomenon or person.

On the whole, human beings are adaptable and the adaptation can happen quickly or over an extended time period. However, it always happens unless we take deliberate actions to counteract the effect.

Fortunately, the higher your happiness level the more likely you are to be able to bounce back from disappointment, disaster or failure. You can take steps to increase your feelings of happiness in spite of your set point or the circumstances of your current situation.

  1. Create moments of joy

Each day, do at least one thing that brings you joy. This will vary from one person to the next. For some, it could be going outside to take a walk, or soaking in a bubble bath, or reading a good book, listening to the music you love, or spending an afternoon in wonderful conversation with people whose company you enjoy.

  1. Find more moments of laughter

We have all heard the old adage that laughter is good for the soul. Doctors have also found that it is good for the body. There are extreme cases where patients with life threatening illnesses have recovered by including laughter sessions into their treatment regimens. For the average person who may be facing smaller challenges on a daily basis, it is also possible to benefit from the effects of practicing laughter in an organized way.

Finding little things to laugh at raises your sense of well-being. This helps you to be more optimistic and more hopeful for positive future outcomes. This therefore gives you the energy to take on your challenging assignments, whether at work or in your personal life. It also puts you in a better mindset for dealing with the potential challenges that might be involved.

Having that positive mindset influences the choices that we make and helps us to make better decisions. This naturally encourages us to be more willing to move forward with achieving our dreams.


This is taken from the Happiness Handbook. A downloadable e-book written by Marjorie Wharton.

Marjorie Wharton is a trainer, facilitator and coach who works with individuals and organizations to help them improve their performance. She is based at the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business in Barbados. Follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram or Medium.com. For more of her writing visit https://marjoriewharton.live. For more on her coaching programme, visit the company website for Breakthrough Performance Coaching at https://btpcoaching.com.

5: Getting The Most Out Of Your Day – Some Free Advice

People always ask me for tips on how to get things done. Not because I am so organized but because they are so stressed. Everyone keeps hoping for the magic pill that is going to help them to be able to get everything done but we have not found one yet. In this episode we look at some tips to help you cope. The areas covered are:

  1. The Mindset Shifts That Are Needed
  2. Some Tools and Techniques for getting things done
  3. Ways of Managing Your Energy

We have no control over the time that is available to us. Therefore we have to get better at exercising control over ourselves and the choices that we make each day to ensure that we are able to achieve what matters most to us.

4: 4 Communication Keys for the Effective Leader – Some Free Advice

Throughout my career I have found that most organizations, regardless of their size, location or industry, and regardless of whether they are private or public sector, all tend to have one problem in common. That problem is communication. Therefore the one thing that any leader can do to improve their effectiveness is to become better at communicating. In this episode we look at 4 keys that the leader can use to become better:

  1. Listening more than you talk.
  2. Being empathetic.
  3. Understanding communication filters.
  4. Having a clear objective before you communicate.

Communication is the lifeblood of effective human interactions. Getting better at it is guaranteed to help you be more effective in your personal or professional life.

3: Engaging Employees for Greater Productivity – Some Free Advice

Most CEOs and Business Owners have a problem. They are trying to figure out what it takes to get their supervisors and managers to be better in their roles. This episode offers some free advice to help senior managers and owners address this problem. We address four areas:

  • Creating Ownership and Empowerment
  • Building the Potential to Succees
  • Moving Beyond from the Golden Rule
  • Seeing What They Do Matters

Another step in the process to succeed and achieve breakthrough performance. For more information or support in getting your employees engaged and feeling empowered, email marjorie@btpcoaching.com.

2: For New Managers – Some Free Advice

People often assume that managers are the problem in organizations until they become one. Then they realize that they really are not mentally prepared for the role they are being asked to fill. This episode offers some insight into four areas:

  1. The change in focus.
  2. The emotional toll.
  3. The Impostor Syndrome.
  4. The positive send off.

As always the focus is on ensuring that you are able to find useful tips that can help you to achieve the results you want.

Creating Your Own Morning Routine

Are you waking up, getting dressed and rushing out the door every morning?  Are you feel unfocused and unclear about what you plan to achieve? Do you feel unprepared for the challenges that come up during the day?  Do you feel like you have no work-life balance?  Chances are that you are missing a vital element in your daily activities. I am talking about a morning routine.

Most successful people have one thing in common.  They have morning routines.  Generally, they have some system for getting themselves ready for facing each day.  These routines can vary from one person to the next.  Whether they are long and complicated or short and intense, whether it starts at 3:00 am or two hours before the first meeting, many of the most successful people in the world have morning rituals that help them to maximize their energy, productivity and creativity throughout the day.

Most successful routines include:

  • Being consistent with the time you wake up each morning. Most successful people know what time works best for them and they stick to it each day.
  • Engaging in some form of spirituality or connection with the power larger than yourself. For some that might include prayer, meditation, communing with nature, reading a devotion or listening to spiritual music.
  • Some form of mindful practice or something that engages their brain and puts them into a mood to receiving knowledge or practice awareness throughout the day. Some people may listen to something that helps them to get or stay motivated.  Some choose to learn something.  Some choose to practice deep breathing because it helps them to feel more connected or grounded and that in turn helps them to feel like they have more to give.
  • Some people check their calendars or plan their day if they have not done that the night before. This allows them to begin thinking about what is important and where their priority needs to be focused for the day ahead.  It is important to note, that for most people this is not simply a to do list but a specific schedule with time allocated throughout the day for when they are going to complete each task.  It is also important to note that this is not just for work goals but for your entire day, before, during and after work.
  • Many people engage in setting some form of intention for the day. This usually represents at least one priority item that they must achieve during the course of the day regardless of whatever else might come up.
  • Some people also include their exercise or movement activities as part of their morning routine, while some people prefer to engage in their activities at the end of the day. You must decide what works best for you.
  • Many also choose to take in some form of nourishment and this can vary from eating a full breakfast or drinking a coffee, taking tea or water with lemon or even choosing to start your day with a green smoothie. The decision about whether or not to include this in your morning routine will depend on your own awareness of your digestive system, how your energy flows throughout the day and maybe even your dietary preferences.

Just like everyone else who has gone down this path, you have the power to decide what you will include in your morning routine.  However, the one piece of advice I will offer is simply that you have to have one.  This is your best chance to start your day off right and to get yourself ready at a physical and mental level so that you can deal with the various issues and challenges that will arise throughout your day.

So go ahead.  Do it now. Start where you are, with what feels right for you and do it daily.  You don’t have to get it right the first time and it doesn’t have to be elaborate.  It just needs to serve you and to set you up for success every day.


Marjorie Wharton is a trainer, facilitator and coach who works with individuals and organizations to help them improve their performance.  She is based at the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business in Barbados.  For more of her writing visit https://marjoriewharton.live

Developing and Managing Your Personal Brand – Part 1

Part 1: Why Personal Branding Matters

Personal branding matters in today’s work environment.  It is one of the most effective ways that you have to differentiate yourself from your colleagues.  If you are able to develop a clear and positive image that is readily associated with you by those who know you, then it becomes clearer to them what value you can offer when they have a problem that needs to be solved.

Most people already have a brand in the minds of those who know them.  Whether you realise it or not, most people already have a sense of what they can expect from you.  The challenge is that unless you are deliberately managing this image, you may be conveying something that you do not intend.  You do however have the power to change that.

If you have ever heard someone say that they are surprised to know something about you, or someone say that they did not think to ask you to be a part of an activity or to answer a question then it is most likely that their image of you is not a complete representation of who you are.  You of course, have to decide whether that is a problem for you.  If you are completely comfortable with how you are currently perceived in your personal life and your profession or career, then you do not need to take any additional actions.  However, if you would like to be seen in a way that is different from what currently exists then you will need to engage in a personal branding exercise.  How do you decide whether personal branding is something that you need to do?

  • By developing a personal brand, you set perceptions about who you are, what you stand for, how you will behave and what you can do. If you are not satisfied with how these elements of your brand are currently showing up, then you may want to develop a plan for conveying a clear message about yourself.
  • If you have a personal brand, your colleagues, peers, superiors, direct reports, potential employers and customers will develop expectations of you based on the brand you define and live. This is a good thing because it enables everyone to know ahead of time what way you can help them when they need support.  If this is not currently the case for you, if it is not readily known what you can contribute to an employer or a customer, then you may want to define your brand and decide for yourself, how you are going to live it.

It is important to note that personal branding is a long term approach to establishing yourself.  It can allow you to expand the image that you may already have in the minds of those who know you. It allows you to carve out a niche for yourself that can positively impact your success throughout your career.  It can also allow you to create clear perceptions of who you are and to convey readily what you can bring to the table.  This is why it matters.